2.7. usercopy

This tool copies a user from one context to another.

Note: Administrators may want to move users instead of just copying them. While -in theory- this is as simple as copying from old to new context and then delete the user in the old context, it must be ensured that users stay logged out during the process and that possibly attached 3d party systems are set to the right state.

2.7.1. Mandatory parameters

-AAdmin user name. Must be the master admin.
-PAdmin password
-c ,--srccontextidThe id of the source context
-d, --destcontextidThe id of the destination context
-u, --useridThe id of the user which should be moved

2.7.2. Example

root@oxhe~# usercopy -A oxadminmaster -P password --srccontextid 23 --destcontextid 42 --userid 1337

user 1337 copied from context 23 to context 42 with new user id 255