Please read on how to setup SOAP on Open-Xchange.
See Javadoc
Context related service.
See Javadoc
Util related service.
See Javadoc
User related service.
See Javadoc
Group related service.
See Javadoc
Resource related service.
See Javadoc
TaskMgmt related service.
For an explanation of these services, refer to the RMI javadoc documentation as shipped with the Open-Xchange Admin Bundle open-xchange-admin
All examples just line out the operation specific code that has to be written. A working example ships with the SOAP Bundle (refer to
The examples are using the SOAP::Lite
perl module. Documentation specific to that module can be found within this module or online at
All examples require a credential object, where we need to differentiate between so called master credentials and context credentials. The master credentials SOAP objects will be named $masterCreds
and the context credential objects will be named $ctxCreds
in this document and within the example code.
In addition, all code examples commonly use $nameSpace
and $baseURL
, which are required to create a SOAP client object.
my $baseURL = "http://localhost/webservices/";
my $nameSpace = "";
my $adminmaster = "oxadminmaster";
my $masterpw = "secret";
my $ctxadmin = "oxadmin";
my $ctxadmpw = "secret";
# object holding the credentials of the OX Admin Master account
my $masterCreds = SOAP::Data->type("Credentials")->value(
SOAP::Data->name("login" => $adminmaster),
SOAP::Data->name("password" => $masterpw)
# object holding the credentials of the OX Context Admin account
my $ctxCreds = SOAP::Data->type("Credentials")->value(
SOAP::Data->name("login" => $ctxadmin),
SOAP::Data->name("password" => $ctxadmpw)
my $soclt = SOAP::Lite->ns( $nameSpace )->proxy( $baseURL."OXUtilService" );
my $serverName = "myoxserver";
my $result = $soclt->registerServer(
SOAP::Data->name("name" => $serverName)
die "Error: ".$result->faultstring()."\n $@" if $result->fault();
my $dbname = "mydb";
my $ismaster = "true";
my $maxctx = 42042;
my $weight = 100;
my $dbuser = "openexchange";
my $dbpasswd = "secret";
$result = $soclt->registerDatabase(
SOAP::Data->name("name" => $dbname),
SOAP::Data->name("master" => $ismaster),
SOAP::Data->name("maxUnits" => $maxctx),
SOAP::Data->name("clusterWeight" => $weight),
SOAP::Data->name("login" => $dbuser),
SOAP::Data->name("password" => $dbpasswd)
die "Error: ".$result->faultstring()."\n $@" if $result->fault();
my $storepath = "/tmp/filestore";
my $storeurl = "file://$storepath";
my $size = 123456;
my $maxctx = 420;
Important: It's up to you to take care, that the directory containing the filestore already exists!
# create filestore if it does not exist
if( ! -d $storepath ) {
mkdir($storepath) || die "unable to mkdir $storepath";
$result = $soclt->registerFilestore(
SOAP::Data->name("url" => $storeurl),
SOAP::Data->name("size" => $size),
SOAP::Data->name("maxContexts" => $maxctx)
die "Error: ".$result->faultstring()."\n $@" if $result->fault();
my $soclt = SOAP::Lite->ns( $nameSpace )->proxy( $baseURL."OXContextService" );
# mandatory user data for the context admin
my $displayname = "Context Admin";
my $surname = "Admin";
my $gname = "Context";
my $email = "oxadmin\";
my $lang = "de_DE";
my $timezone = "Europe/Berlin";
# context quota
my $ctxid = 424242;
my $ctxname = "mycontext";
my $ctxquota = 500;
# create a context SOAP object
my $context = SOAP::Data->type("Context")->value(
SOAP::Data->name("id" => $ctxid),
SOAP::Data->name("name" => $ctxname),
SOAP::Data->name("maxQuota" => $ctxquota)));
$result = $soclt->create($context,
SOAP::Data->name("name" => $ctxadmin),
SOAP::Data->name("password" => $ctxadmpw),
SOAP::Data->name("display_name" => $displayname),
SOAP::Data->name("sur_name" => $surname),
SOAP::Data->name("given_name" => $gname),
SOAP::Data->name("primaryEmail" => $email),
SOAP::Data->name("language" => $lang),
SOAP::Data->name("timezone" => $timezone)
die "Error: ".$result->faultstring()."\n $@" if $result->fault();
my $souserclt = SOAP::Lite->ns( $nameSpace )->proxy( $baseURL."OXUserService" );
my $sogroupclt = SOAP::Lite->ns( $nameSpace )->proxy( $baseURL."OXGroupService" );
my $soresourceclt = SOAP::Lite->ns( $nameSpace )->proxy( $baseURL."OXResourceService" );
# mandatory user data
my $uname = "john";
my $password = "secret";
$displayname = "John Doe";
$surname = "Doe";
$gname = "John";
$email = "john\";
$lang = "de_DE";
$timezone = "Europe/Berlin";
$imapserver = "imap://";
my $birthday = "1900-01-01";
my @aliases = ("test1\","test2\");
Parameters containing dates must have a special syntax
the lexical form of the date is '-'? yyyy '-' mm '-' dd zzzzzz?
The user object contains two paramaters representing dates, birthday
and anniversary
. Both parameters only require year, month and day to be set.
Another special case is the handling of the guiPreferences setting, for this the setting guiPreferencesForSoap has to be used, see the example below.
In all other cases the Java-RMI documentation is the reference, especially for the user object.
See JavadocSo for imap and smtp servers the attribute takes the whole url, see example below. The port and schema fields cannot be set as the setters in Java are missing, SOAP and WSDL just have no mechanism to represent read-only and write-only fields.
If you want to read the imap and smtp server settings, you have to use the three fields schema, port and server and combine them to get the whole url. So the imapServer field on a getData call will contain only the hostname and not the url.
$result =
SOAP::Data->name("User" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("name" => $uname),
SOAP::Data->name("password" => $password),
SOAP::Data->name("display_name" => $displayname),
SOAP::Data->name("sur_name" => $surname),
SOAP::Data->name("given_name" => $gname),
SOAP::Data->name("primaryEmail" => $email),
SOAP::Data->name("email1" => $email),
SOAP::Data->name("language" => $lang),
SOAP::Data->name("timezone" => $timezone),
SOAP::Data->name("birthday" => $birthday),
SOAP::Data->name("aliases" => @aliases),
SOAP::Data->name("imapServer" => $imapserver),
SOAP::Data->name("guiPreferencesForSoap" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("entries" =>
SOAP::Data->name("value" => '{"calendar":' .
'{"view":"calendar/calendar/day","day":{"numberofappointments":4},"workweek":' .
'{"countdays":5,"startday":1,"numberofappointments":2},"starttime":8,' .
'"allfolders":true,"custom":{"countdays":3,"numberofappointments":3},' .
'"endtime":18,"interval":30},"FolderTreeState":{},"contacts":{"view":' .
'"contacts/cards","cardsToViewPerColumn":"auto","gridsort":"asc"},"theme":' .
'{"path":"default","name":"Default"},"portal":{"infobox":true,' .
'"internalcontents":[{"params":{"limit":5},"header":"E-Mail","visible":true,' .
'"adj":{"hw":1,"ww":1,"y":0,"x":1},"external":false,"module":"mail"}],' .
'"tooltip":false,"externalcontents":[],"minicalendar":true},"infostore":{' .
'"view":"infostore/split"},"effects":{"hover":{"calendar":true,"speed":3,' .
'"contacts":true,"portal":true,"infostore":true,"mail":false,"tasks":true},' .
'"global":false,"fading":false},"mail":{"view":"mail/hsplit/unthreaded",' .
'"formatmessage":"ALTERNATIVE","notifyacknoledge":true,"autocomplete":true,' .
'"auto_save_drafts":3,"signatures":[],"fullmailheader":true,"htmlmessage":' .
'true},"tasks":{"view":"tasks/split","gridsort":"asc","interval":30},"menu":' .
'{"menuiteration":4},"private_categories":"","global":{"autorefresh":10,' .
SOAP::Data->name("key" => "/gui")
SOAP::Data->name("entries" =>
SOAP::Data->name("value" => "{}"),
SOAP::Data->name("key" => "/fastgui")
die "Error: ".$result->faultstring()."\n $@" if $result->fault();
$gname = "testgroup";
$displayname = "a testgroup";
$email = "testgroup\";
Already add some members (can also be done later with a change or addMember call) we already know/assume, that context admin has id 2 and John Doe has id 3.
my @members;
push(@members, SOAP::Data->name( members => 2 ));
push(@members, SOAP::Data->name( members => 3 ));
$result =
SOAP::Data->name("name" => $gname),
SOAP::Data->name("displayname" => $displayname),
SOAP::Data->name("email" => $email),
SOAP::Data->name("members" => @members )
die "Error: ".$result->faultstring()."\n $@" if $result->fault();
my $rname = "testresource";
$displayname = "a testresource";
$email = "testresource\";
$result =
SOAP::Data->name("name" => $rname),
SOAP::Data->name("displayname" => $displayname),
SOAP::Data->name("email" => $email)
die "Error: ".$result->faultstring()."\n $@" if $result->fault();
To change data only the data to be changed must be send to the server. The reference to the entry is either it's numerical ID or it's name.
Changing display name and password of the user with name "john".
$ /opt/open-xchange/sbin/listuser -A oxadmin -P secret -c 424242
Id Name Displayname Email
2 oxadmin Context Admin
3 john Dr. John Doe
# new display name and password
$uname = "john";
$displayname = "Dr. John Doe";
$password = "verysecret";
$result =
SOAP::Data->name("name" => $uname),
SOAP::Data->name("password" => $password),
SOAP::Data->name("display_name" => $displayname)
die "Error: ".$result->faultstring()."\n $@" if $result->fault();
We could also use the ID of the user to reference it:
$result =
SOAP::Data->name("id" => 3),
SOAP::Data->name("password" => $password),
SOAP::Data->name("display_name" => $displayname)