
The changeuser tool allows to modify attributes of an existing user in a given context. The displayname must be unique in one context.


-h,--helpPrints a help text
--environmentShow info about commandline environment
--nonlRemove all newlines (\n) from output
--extendedoptions Set this if you want to see all options, use this instead of help option
-c,--contextid <integer>The id of the context
-i,--userid <integer>Id of the user
-u,--username <string>Username of the user
-d,--displayname <string>Display name of the user
-g,--givenname <string>Given name for the user
-s,--surname <string>Surname of the user
-p,--password <string>Password for the user
-e,--email <string>Primary mail address
-l,--language <lang>Language for the user (de_DE,en_US, fr_FR)
-t,--timezone <timezone>Timezone of the user (Europe/Berlin)
-x,--department <string>Department of the user
-z,--company <string>Company of the user
-a,--aliases <string>E-Mail aliases of the user, separated by ","
--access-combination-name <access-combination-name>Access combination name
--addguipreferences <addguipreferences>Add a GUI setting (key=value)
--removeguipreferences <removeguipreferences>Remove a GUI setting

For the GUI preferences please also see

Extended options

--email1 <string>Email1
--mailenabled <booleanvalue >Mailenabled
--birthday <datevalue>Birthday
--anniversary <datevalue>Anniversary
--branches <string>Branches
--business_category <string>Business_category
--postal_code_business <string>Postal_code_business
--state_business <string>State_business
--street_business <string>Street_business
--telephone_callback <string>Telephone_callback
--city_home <string>City_home
--commercial_register <string>Commercial_register
--country_home <string>Country_home
--email2 <string>Email2
--email3 <string>Email3
--employeetype <string>EmployeeType
--fax_business <string>Fax_business
--fax_home <string>Fax_home
--fax_other <string>Fax_other
--imapserver <string>ImapServer
--imaplogin <string>ImapLogin
--smtpserver <string>SmtpServer
--instant_messenger1 <string>Instant_messenger1
--instant_messenger2 <string>Instant_messenger2
--telephone_ip <string>Telephone_ip
--telephone_isdn <string>Telephone_isdn
--mail_folder_drafts_name <string>Mail_folder_drafts_name
--mail_folder_sent_name <string>Mail_folder_sent_name
--mail_folder_spam_name <string>Mail_folder_spam_name
--mail_folder_trash_name <string>Mail_folder_trash_name
--manager_name <string>Manager_name
--marital_status <string>Marital_status
--cellular_telephone1 <string>Cellular_telephone1
--cellular_telephone2 <string>Cellular_telephone2
--info <string>Info
--nickname <string>Nickname
--number_of_children <string>Number_of_children
--note <string>Note
--number_of_employee <string>Number_of_employee
--telephone_pager <string>Telephone_pager
--password_expired <booleanvalue>Password_expired
--telephone_assistant <string>Telephone_assistant
--telephone_business1 <string>Telephone_business1
--telephone_business2 <string>Telephone_business2
--telephone_car <string>Telephone_car
--telephone_company <string>Telephone_company
--telephone_home1 <string>Telephone_home1
--telephone_home2 <string>Telephone_home2
--telephone_other <string>Telephone_other
--postal_code_home <string>Postal_code_home
--profession <string>Profession
--telephone_radio <string>Telephone_radio
--room_number <string>Room_number
--sales_volume <string>Sales_volume
--city_other <string>City_other
--country_other <string>Country_other
--middle_name <string>Middle_name
--postal_code_other <string>Postal_code_other
--state_other <string>State_other
--street_other <string>Street_other
--spouse_name <string>Spouse_name
--state_home <string>State_home
--street_home <string>Street_home
--suffix <string>Suffix
--tax_id <string>Tax_id
--telephone_telex <string>Telephone_telex
--telephone_ttytdd <string>Telephone_ttytdd
--url <string>Url
--userfield01 <string>Userfield01
--userfield02 <string>Userfield02
--userfield03 <string>Userfield03
--userfield04 <string>Userfield04
--userfield05 <string>Userfield05
--userfield06 <string>Userfield06
--userfield07 <string>Userfield07
--userfield08 <string>Userfield08
--userfield09 <string>Userfield09
--userfield10 <string>Userfield10
--userfield11 <string>Userfield11
--userfield12 <string>Userfield12
--userfield13 <string>Userfield13
--userfield14 <string>Userfield14
--userfield15 <string>Userfield15
--userfield16 <string>Userfield16
--userfield17 <string>Userfield17
--userfield18 <string>Userfield18
--userfield19 <string>Userfield19
--userfield20 <string>Userfield20
--city_business <string>City_business
--country_business <string>Country_business
--assistant_name <string>Assistant_name
--telephone_primary <string>Telephone_primary
--categories <string>Categories
--mail_folder_confirmed_ham_name <string>Mail_folder_confirmed_ham_name
--mail_folder_confirmed_spam_name <string>Mail_folder_confirmed_spam_name
--gui_spam_filter_capabilities_enabled <booleanvalue>GUI_Spam_filter_capabilities_enabled
--title <string>Title
--position <string>Position
--access-calendar <on/off>Calendar module (Default is off)
--access-contacts <on/off>Contact module access (Default is on)
--access-delegate-tasks <on/off>Delegate tasks access (Default is off)
--access-edit-public-folder <on/off>Edit public folder access (Default is off)
--access-forum <on/off>Forum module access (Default is off)
--access-ical <on/off>Ical module access (Default is off)
--access-infostore <on/off>Infostore module access (Default is off)
--access-pinboard-write <on/off>Pinboard write access (Default is off)
--access-projects <on/off>Project module access (Default is off)
--access-read-create-shared-Folders <on/off>Read create shared folder access (Default is off)
--access-rss-bookmarks <on/off>RSS bookmarks access (Default is off)
--access-rss-portal <on/off>RSS portal access (Default is off)
--access-syncml <on/off>Syncml access (Default is off)
--access-active-sync <on/off>Exchange Active Sync access (Default is off)
--access-usm <on/off>Universal Sync Module access (Default is off)
--access-tasks <on/off>Tasks access (Default is off)
--access-vcard <on/off>Vcard access (Default is off)
--access-webdav <on/off>Webdav access (Default is off)
--access-webdav-xml <on/off>Webdav-Xml access (Default is off)
--access-webmail <on/off>Webmail access (Default is on)
--access-publication <on/off>Publication permission (Default is on). Note: access-publication needs access-infostore and is optional for Groupware+ and premium
--access-subscription <on/off>Subscription permission (Default is on)
--access-edit-group <on/off>Edit group access (Default is off)
--access-edit-resource <on/off>Edit resource access (Default is off)
--access-edit-password <on/off>Edit password access (Default is off)
--access-collect-emai-addresses <on/off>Edit collect email addresses (Default is off)
--access-multiple-mail-accounts <on/off>Use multiple mail account feature (Default is off)
--access-global-address-book-disabled <on/off>Access to global address book (Default is off). Note: Setting this option to true is only allowed in combination with PIM and Webmail rights. Note: There is a 'restoregaddefaults' script to restore the default permissions of the global address book folder.
--access--voipnow <on/off>Access to VoiceOverIP feature.
--access-public-folder-editable <on/off>Access to public folders. Allows or denies to see public folders.
--foldertree <0/1>0 sets the OX standard folder tree and 1 sets the Outlook-like folder tree.
--access-olox20 <on/off> Access to Olox2.0

Access changes for existing users

Changes to module access must be done for all users in a given context. On downgrade i. e., to revoke former given access, the data for objects will still be present in the database and on the filestore but is not visible to the customer any more. Please note that only the specified modules are changed. That is why it is required to explicitly turn modules off. A list of packages and the required module configuration is provided in the section called “Package access configuration”.

Extra parameters when authentication is enabled

-A,--adminuser <string>Context Admin user name
-P,--adminpass <string>Context Admin password

Return value

0 on success

>0 on failure

Mandatory parameters

contextid {adminuser adminpass} (userid or username) and at minimum one attribute to change

primaryMail, Email1 and defaultSenderAddress must be present in set of aliases i. e., whenever you want to change one of


you MUST take care, that the address you want to set is already contained in the aliases of the user.

So when user has aliases: foo, bar and you want to change email to anotheraddr, you must add anotheraddr to the aliases, first.

If needed, this can be done with one commandline call, e.g.:

/changeuser -A oxadmin -P secret -c 666 -i 4 -e anotheraddr -a foo,bar,anotheraddr

Command output

On success:

user <userid> in <contextid> changed

On failure:

user <userid> in <contextid> could not be changed: <reason from server>


root@oxhe~# changeuser -c 123 -i 3 -p newpwd

user 3 in context 123 changed