Interface ContextConsoleCreateInterface

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ContextConsoleCreateInterface
extends ContextConsoleCommonInterface

This interface must be implemented by a class in the console package of a plugin so that it can extend the basic command line options. To offer your own implementation of this interface to the core. The ServiceLoader mechanism of JDK 6 is used which requests a directory META-INF/services under which a text file whose name is the full-qualified binary name of this interface (com.openexchange.admin.console.context.ContextConsoleCreateInterface). And the content of this file must be the full-qualified binary name of your implementation.

Dennis Sieben

Method Summary
 void applyExtensionValuesFromCSV(String[] nextLine, int[] idarray, Context context)
          This method processes a single line from a CSV file and adds the results to the corresponding context object
 void processCSVConstants(HashMap<String,UserAbstraction.CSVConstants> constantsMap)
          This method processes a HashMap of CSVConstants with their name.
Methods inherited from interface com.openexchange.admin.console.context.extensioninterfaces.ContextConsoleCommonInterface
addExtensionOptions, setAndFillExtension

Method Detail


void processCSVConstants(HashMap<String,UserAbstraction.CSVConstants> constantsMap)
This method processes a HashMap of CSVConstants with their name. This method can be used to modify the map, so you can add or remove parameter which can be used in the CSV file. Or you can change if a parameter is required or not

constantsMap - - the HashMap


void applyExtensionValuesFromCSV(String[] nextLine,
                                 int[] idarray,
                                 Context context)
                                 throws OXConsolePluginException
This method processes a single line from a CSV file and adds the results to the corresponding context object

nextLine -
idarray -
context -