Package com.openexchange.admin.console

Class Summary
AdminParser This class is used to extend the CmdLineParser which two main things: 1.
BasicCommandlineOptions This abstract class contains all the common options between all command line tools
CLIOption CLIOption - A command-line option.
CLIOption.CLIBooleanOption A boolean option.
CLIOption.CLIDoubleOption A double option.
CLIOption.CLIIntegerOption An integer option.
CLIOption.CLILongOption A long option.
CLIOption.CLISettableBooleanOption A settable boolean option.
CLIOption.CLIStringOption A string option.
CLIParser CLIParser - The command-line parser.
ObjectNamingAbstraction This abstract class declares an abstract method to get the object name with which the command line tool deals.
ServiceLoader<S> This class aims to be a compensation for the missing ServiceLoader in JDK 5.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
CLIIllegalOptionValueException CLIIllegalOptionValueException - Indicates an illegal or missing value.
CLIOptionException CLIOptionException - Base class for CLI parsing error
CLIParseException CLIParseException - Parsing command line failed.
CLIUnknownOptionException CLIUnknownOptionException - Indicates an unknown option.
CLIUnknownSuboptionException CLIUnknownSuboptionException - Indicates an unknown sub-option.