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Class ox.Configuration.Tab

Extends ox.UI.Container.
A container representing a tab.
Defined in: configuration.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The only valid child for ox.Configuration.Tabs.
Fields borrowed from class ox.UI.Widget:
default_value, enabled, formnode, initialized, isEnabled, isVisible, node, parent, visible, width
Methods borrowed from class ox.UI.Container:
addCells, addRow, addWidget, deleteWidget, get, set
Methods borrowed from class ox.UI.Widget:
addContent, applyEnabled, applyVisible, disable, enable, hide, remove, resize, setEnabled, setParent, setVisible, show
Class Detail
The only valid child for ox.Configuration.Tabs.
{I18nString} title
The title of the tab.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Mon Jan 30 2012 16:58:00 GMT+0100 (CET)