Package com.openexchange.admin.rmi.dataobjects

Interface Summary
NameAndIdObject This interface forces 4 Methods for a data object so that we can easily combine some operations
PasswordMechObject Interface for all Objects containing a password mechanism and a password

Class Summary
Context Class representing a context.
Credentials This object must be send with every method call in ox rmi interface!
Database This class represents a database.
ExtendableDataObject This class defines all those methods which make and object capable of being dynamically extended by other attributes.
Filestore This class represents a filestore.
Group This class represents a group.
MaintenanceReason This class represents a maintenance reason.
Resource This dataobject stores all the data which is related to a resource
Server This class represents a server.
SOAPUserAttributes SOAPUserAttributes
User Class representing a user.
UserAttributesNamespace UserAttributesNamespace
UserModuleAccess Object for setting/getting access informations to the different ox modules