Package com.openexchange.admin.rmi

Interface Summary
OXAdminCoreInterface This interface defines a method for checking loaded plugins in the Open-Xchange Admin Daemon.

OXGroupInterface This interface defines the Open-Xchange API Version 2 for creating and manipulating OX groups within an OX context.

OXLoginInterface This interface defines methods for doing a "login" for an user or admin.
Can be usefull in UI`s which provide login masks for checking login informations.

OXResourceInterface This interface defines the Open-Xchange API Version 2 for creating and manipulating OX resources within an OX context.

OXTaskMgmtInterface This interface defines the methods of the task management which are accessibly through RMI.
OXUserInterface This class defines the Open-Xchange API Version 2 for creating and manipulating OX Users within an OX context.
