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Class ox.Configuration.EditableList

Extends ox.UI.Widget.
An editable list with "Add" and "Remove" buttons in the menu.
Defined in: configuration.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
ox.Configuration.EditableList(section, height, label)
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The text which is displayed in the list when it contains no entries.
Fields borrowed from class ox.UI.Widget:
default_value, enabled, formnode, initialized, isEnabled, isVisible, node, parent, visible, width
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
This method is called when the "Add" button is clicked.
A callback function which is used to extract a human-readable description from an array element of the value.
onDelete(removed, cont, dontDelete)
This method is called when the "Remove" button is clicked.
Methods borrowed from class ox.UI.Widget:
addContent, applyEnabled, applyVisible, disable, enable, get, hide, remove, resize, set, setEnabled, setParent, setVisible, show
Class Detail
ox.Configuration.EditableList(section, height, label)
{I18nString} section
Name of the menu section.
{String} height
The height of the list as a CSS length.
{I18nString} label
An optional label for the list.
Field Detail
{I18nString} emptyText
The text which is displayed in the list when it contains no entries.
Method Detail
This method is called when the "Add" button is clicked.
{Function} cont
A callback function which should be called with an array of new elements as parameter.

{String} getText(elem)
A callback function which is used to extract a human-readable description from an array element of the value. This description is displayed in the list. The default implementation handles I18nString objects and plain strings.
The array element from which to extract the description.
A textual description of the specified element.

onDelete(removed, cont, dontDelete)
This method is called when the "Remove" button is clicked.
{Array} removed
An array with currently selected values.
{Function} cont
A callback function which should be called after all side effects have been performed. This function performs the actual removal. If it is not called, no entries are removed from the list.
{Function} dontDelete
A function which can be used to cancel the removal of individual values. For each value which should be kept, this function should be called with the index of the value in the array removed as parameter.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Tue Mar 01 2011 10:53:55 GMT+0100 (CET)