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Class ox.UI.Container

Extends ox.UI.Widget.
Abstract base class of all containers.
Defined in: configuration.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class ox.UI.Widget:
default_value, enabled, formnode, initialized, isEnabled, isVisible, node, parent, visible, width
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addCells(label, input)
Adds a row consisting of two cells: a label and a form element.
addRow(child, table)
Adds a content row to the container.
addWidget(widget, name)
Adds a widget to this container as a new child.
Removes a previously added widget.
Returns an object with all child values.
Sets the values of all children.
Methods borrowed from class ox.UI.Widget:
addContent, applyEnabled, applyVisible, disable, enable, hide, remove, resize, setEnabled, setParent, setVisible, show
Class Detail
Method Detail
{DOM node} addCells(label, input)
Adds a row consisting of two cells: a label and a form element. The form element will align itself with other form elements
{I18nString} label
An optional label text for the form element.
{DOM node} input
The DOM node which contains the form element.
The DOM TR element of the added row.

{DOM node} addRow(child, table)
Adds a content row to the container.
{DOM Node} child
A DOM node which is or contains the chlid widget.
{Boolean} table
Specifies whether the contents of this row should align themselves with the content of other rows (if true), or not (if false).
The DOM TR or DIV element of the added row.

addWidget(widget, name)
Adds a widget to this container as a new child. The new widget appears behind all previously added widgets. The value of the container is an object which contains the values of all children. Each child value appears in the value of the container as a field with the name specified by the parameter name.
{Widget} widget
The widget to add.
{String or ox.UI.Controller} name
If a string, the field name under which the child value will appear in the container's value. If an ox.UI.Controller, the controller which is responsible for building and parsing the container value. If not specified, the child value will not be connected to the container value.

Removes a previously added widget.
{Widget} widget
The widget to remove.

{Object} get()
Returns an object with all child values. Only children with specified field names are queried.

Sets the values of all children.
{Object} data
An object with a field for every child. If a child was added with a field name, but the object does not contain that field, the child will be set to its default value.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Tue Mar 01 2011 10:53:55 GMT+0100 (CET)