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Class ox.Configuration.LeafNode

Leaf node in the configuration tree
Defined in: configuration.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Adds a new node to the configuration tree.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
This callback is called when the user clicks on the node.
Class Detail
ox.Configuration.LeafNode(path, name)
Adds a new node to the configuration tree. The parent node must already exist.
{String} path
The path in the configuration tree. Must start with "configuration" and contain at least one more element. Path elements are separated by a slash ("/"). There must be no slash at the end. If the parent of the node does not already exist, an Error exception is thrown.
{I18nString} name
The name of the page.
Field Detail
{Function} click
This callback is called when the user clicks on the node.

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