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Class ox.Configuration.VSplit

Extends ox.Configuration.View.
Resizable vertical split view. All sizes are specified as a fraction of the total available space.
Defined in: configuration.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
ox.Configuration.VSplit(node, title, size, new_button)
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Specifies whether resizing takes effect immediately during dragging (true) or only at the end (false).
The LiveGrid which is displayed in the left panel.
Specifies whether the list view was modified and needs to be saved.
A callback which is called to get the data for the detail view.
Maximum width of the left panel.
Minimum width of the left panel.
A callback which is called when the big "New" button in the menu is clicked.
An unmodified copy of the data object which is edited in the detail view.
A callback which is called to save the data of the detail view.
Width of the split handle in pixels.
Fields borrowed from class ox.Configuration.View:
childWidth, content, init
Fields borrowed from class ox.UI.Widget:
default_value, enabled, formnode, initialized, isEnabled, isVisible, node, parent, visible, width
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Enables the list view when the view is entered.
Changes the width of the left panel.
Methods borrowed from class ox.Configuration.View:
cancelView, enter, leave, saveView, viewModified
Methods borrowed from class ox.UI.Container:
addCells, addRow, addWidget, deleteWidget, get, set
Methods borrowed from class ox.UI.Widget:
addContent, applyEnabled, applyVisible, disable, enable, hide, remove, resize, setEnabled, setParent, setVisible, show
Class Detail
ox.Configuration.VSplit(node, title, size, new_button)
{ox.Configuration.LeafNode} node
An ox.Configuration.LeafNode which will be configured to open this page.
{I18nString} title
The page title.
{Number} size
The width of the left panel.
{Boolean} new_button
Specifies whether the big button in the menu should be a "New" button instead of a "Save" button.
Field Detail
{Boolean} animated
Specifies whether resizing takes effect immediately during dragging (true) or only at the end (false).
Default Value:

{LiveGrid} list
The LiveGrid which is displayed in the left panel. It must be set before the view is entered for the first time.

{Boolean} listModified
Specifies whether the list view was modified and needs to be saved.
Default Value:

{Function} load
A callback which is called to get the data for the detail view. It has a continuation function as parameter, which should be called with the data as parameter when the data becomes available. If the continuation function is called without a parameter, the detail view is set to the default value and disabled.

{Number} max
Maximum width of the left panel.
Default Value:

{Number} min
Minimum width of the left panel.
Default Value:

{Function} onNew
A callback which is called when the big "New" button in the menu is clicked.

An unmodified copy of the data object which is edited in the detail view.

{Function} save
A callback which is called to save the data of the detail view. It has two parameters: data and cont. data is the data object to save. cont is a continuation functions which should be called after the data was saved successfully. If the continuation function function is called with a parameter, the value of the parameter is used as the new value.

Width of the split handle in pixels.
Method Detail
Enables the list view when the view is entered. Disabling is done automatically by calling the disable() method of the list.

Changes the width of the left panel.
{Number} size
The new width of the left panel.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Tue Mar 01 2011 10:53:55 GMT+0100 (CET)